Wellington Railway Station

For years the idea of reinstating a rail station for Wellington has been mooted, but I believe that until the open meeting I called last week the people have never actually had their say on a large scale. So, I’m glad it took place and even more so because a remarkable 200 folk attended with the majority overwhelming in favour of pursuing this idea. Amongst those in the audience were retired rail engineers, (one who came armed with his own complex timetable showing how a station would work), mothers with small children, people without cars who rely on public transport, school heads whose students would benefit and local business people. Bar a few with concerns, most expounded on the merits a rail station would bring in terms of added business, ease of travel, reducing car congestion and air pollution. The panel comprising of Cllr Mark Edwards, Cllr Andrew Govier from Wellington and Wellington Mayor Cllr Janet Lloyd gave the subject a good airing. The proposed metro style rail station would open in tandem with one at Cullompton in Devon thereby linking Taunton, Wellington, Cullompton, Tiverton Parkway and Exeter. Initial studies, from the established working group, of which I am a member indicate that there is a business case for the station. In fact Wellington is believed to be the largest town of its kind on a main rail line without a station. (The old station closed in 1964.) The next crucial step is to undertake a detailed feasibility study of timetabling and engineering issues which will cost up to £300,000 and necessitates all the local authorities involved (Somerset and Devon County Councils, Exeter Council and Mid Devon Council) following the example of TDBC, and committing £40,000 each. After this a bid is possible to the Government’s £20million New Station Fund. Impressed with the show of support, Rail Minister, Claire Perry urges us to press on. It will be a long haul and there’s hot competition for funding but nothing ventured, nothing gained. So let’s work together full steam ahead! To sign the Wellington Rail petition please contact my Taunton office on 01823 443062