I am pleased that the UK is fully committed to the global eradication of polio. The Secretary of State for International Development makes the most of opportunities to raise awareness of polio eradication efforts and, wherever appropriate, discusses polio with her international counterparts. For example, last year the Secretary of State made a keynote speech at Rotary International with representatives from India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Indonesia, along with key polio campaigners and global health bodies.
The UK actively participates in the global Polio Oversight Board, helping to ensure a strong focus on results and achieving eradication. In 2013, the UK committed £300 million over six years to polio eradication, which will help vaccinate up to 360 million children.
I was pleased to hear in 2014 that India was declared polio-free. A world without polio is now tantalisingly close, and it is crucial to maintain international momentum. I welcome the fact that, as of October 2015, for the first time there had been no new polio cases in Africa for over a year. That is incredible progress and I am confident that we can finish the job.
Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to contact me over this important issue.